EATAW European Association for the Teaching of Academic Writing
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>home >eataw elections 2007 >candidates >john harbord


Lisa Ganobcsik-Williams

John Harbord

Involvement with EATAW

I have been a member of the EATAW board since the first conference in
2001. I hosted the 2003 conference and have been chair of EATAW since

Reasons for Standing/Vision for EATAW as an Organization

Writing in Europe is a young discipline and one that draws widely from
the influences of other fields. Though we have much learn from the
tradition of scholarship in the US, our contexts are also very different
and offer the chance to develop new perspectives and new solutions.
EATAW is the largest international organisation for teachers of writing
outside the US and the only one to deal with writing across languages,
not limiting itself to English. My vision is for an organisation which
brings together teachers and researchers from across Europe and beyond
to share ideas and experiences and to develop European scholarship in
the field of academic writing.

Teaching Experience

I have taught academic writing and directed the award-winning writing
programme at Central European University for 9 years. I have also
published a small number of articles on writing and been very active in
consultancy, training writing teachers and helping to establish writing
programmes and courses in the Georgia, Armenia and other transition

Marion Hartung

Peter Heath

Halyna Kaluzhna

Otto Kruse

Bojana Petric

Lotte Rienecker

Gabriela Ruhmann

Kirsten Schindler

Lawrence Smith

Ester van der Voort

Vera Zegers


Contact: Schreibzentrum der Ruhr Universität Bochum, Universitätsstraße 150, Gebäude GB, Etage 5, Raum 151, 44780 Bochum, Germany

Phone: +49 (234) 32-25104, Fax: +49 (234) 32-05104, email: