Gerd Bräuer:

Communication strategies for initiating university writing centers

In continuation of a similar discussion group at the 2005 EATAW conference in Athens, this working group provides an opportunity to discuss methods and techniques for how to define and communicate the need and educational opportunities of writing support with students, faculty/staff, and the university administration. Possible means include the HOW TO of:

  1. a comprehensive showcase of major research findings regarding the development of writers and writing skills,
  2. the analysis of writing skills in a specific field of study or profession for curriculum development,
  3. a need-based analysis for shaping extra-curricular writing support,
  4. a mission statement that shows the major goals of a writing center,
  5. a business plan for funding the development of a writing center,
  6. a plan for faculty/staff development in the field of writing pedagogy.

In connection with the topics listed above, this working group is looking for pieces of best-practice on how to present and communicate effectively the necessity of university writing centers to the university administration, faculty/staff, and students. Possible formats may include questionnaires, interviews, steering groups, on-campus publications, brown-bag lunch series, speaker series, profile description for external consultants (etc.).